Php with mysql beyond the basics
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Dating > Php with mysql beyond the basics
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Variables are prefixed with a dollar symbol, and a type does not need to be specified in advance. Exercise files accompany the course. И новичок и опытные разработчики PHP узнают много полезного из эффективного, хорошо организованного, и легкого для понимания кодекса многократного использования всех предложений ООП. Introduction Welcome Using the exercise files 1.
Completing the User Class Remaining user CRUD 2:04 2. While building a real-world web application, Kevin also includes practical advice on topics ranging from structuring code to logging user actions. Templating and Code Organization Using MVC architecture Simple templating Using the Smarty PHP templating engine Building PHP libraries and frameworks Conclusion Goodbye Appendix: PHP Installation and Configuration Assistance Installing on Mac 10. Php With Mysql Beyond The Basics Free Download Never used MySQL before? Кевин показывает, как методы ООП могут упростить вопросы связанные с базой данных, помощью в управлении сессиями. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming OOP 4. If not, it will call a default. Uploading Files Configuring PHP for file uploads 5:42 4. He extended them to work with web forms and to communicate with databases, and called this implementation.
Built- in web server.? Completing the User Class 064 Remaining user CRUD 065 Creating users 066 Updating users 067 Deleting users 068 Abstracting the database table name 069 Abstracting the attributes 070 Finding the database attributes 10. Some of the language's core functions, such as those dealing with strings and arrays, are also implemented as extensions.
PHP with MySQL Beyond the Basics - Uploading Files Configuring PHP for file uploads Sending files as form data Inspecting uploaded files Uploading errors Moving uploaded files 9. The Photograph Class Starting the Photograph class 6:16 8.
Both novice and experienced PHP developers will benefit from the efficient, well-organized, reusable, and easy-to-understand code that OOP offers. Kevin shows how OOP techniques can streamline database queries, help manage sessions, and simplify user logins. While building a real-world web application, Kevin also includes practical advice on topics ranging from structuring code to logging user actions. Exercise files accompany the course. Содержание Introduction Welcome 1:28 14. Installation and Project Setup PHP and MySQL installation 0:48 1. Intermediate PHP Techniques Using variable variables 5:20 4. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming OOP Introducing the concept and basics of OOP 6:25 4. OOP in Practice Understanding class inheritance 6:24 5. Photo Gallery Project Setup Overview of the project 3:09 2. Foundations of an OOP Project Creating the MySQL Database class 6:12 6. Working with Files and Directories File system basics 5:28 5. Uploading Files Configuring PHP for file uploads 5:42 4. Completing the User Class Remaining user CRUD 2:04 2. The Photograph Class Starting the Photograph class 6:16 8. The Comment Class Creating the Comment class 7:07 9. Pagination Understanding the concepts behind pagination 2:51 2. Sending Emails Configuring PHP for email 7:30 5. Templating and Code Organization Using MVC architecture 4:12 5.